
Search result for: Goblin
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Sneaky Goblin Tactics #5
(10 min - Feb 11, 2009 - by Slimp)
My 5th and pretty sure final in my SH series. I have retired my SH as I have pretty much hit a peak where I cant go any higher. RR 66 full invader 3 piece warlord, My end game stats were 1100 BS and 30% crit 6k health. NOTE: This movie really isnt like my others.. its more of a storyline. I thin...
TAGS: Sneaky Goblin Tactics
Story-Line Goblin Squig Herder 7,679 1
Sneaky Goblin Tactics #3
(9 min - Dec 11, 2008 - by Slimp)
My third in a series of Squig herder movies. This one I show some Team play and I show a touch of my solo adventures in 1.06 You thought Bright Wizards were bad.. wait till you see an organized SH brigade. I welcome any comments so I can make better movies in the future. Oh you might h...
TAGS: Sneaky RvR Goblin Tactics squig
Skirmishes Goblin Squig Herder 11,172 1
Goblin Shammy, Power of the Waagh!
(4 min - Oct 3, 2008 - by Michilli)
Short clip with RvR. Just a bit of proof that the shaman is a really nice RvR class and is very capable of puwning things. Im mostly around level 6-8 here. Mostly its group PvP or 1on1. But there's also a bit of 2 vs 5 action with a Black orc as mate. Hope you enjoy!
TAGS: Goblin Scenario Green pvp heal shaman Waagh power
RvR Goblin Shaman 4,254 1
Sneaky Goblin Tactics #1
(6 min - Nov 11, 2008 - by Slimp)
My first of what will be a series of Squig herder movies. showing some of the abilites of the class. I tend to lag a tad here and there so bear with me. In the first epsiode we showcase the abilty Run Away!. Mastery 15 BS (Plink tactic, Clever shootin, Shrapnal arrer, Lots o' shootin) QS 5 (R...
TAGS: Sneaky Tactics squig herder Goblin
RvR Goblin Squig Herder 13,060 1
Sneaky Goblin Tactics #2
(9 min - Nov 24, 2008 - by Slimp)
I suggest you use the WHO stream or DL it from Filefront.. My Second in a series of SH movies, Showcasing some of the ablities and playstyles that I have been doing. I included a couple of duels in this one with one of our top BW on our realm along with some interesting tricks you can use for yo...
TAGS: Sneaky squig herder Goblin Tactics
RvR Goblin Squig Herder 10,244 1

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