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Mythic's Fanvideo of the Month (August) ...
(6 min - Aug 22, 2008 - by B3aM)
Two friends go to war... only one will survive... You will see RvR-action and a Keepfight surrounded by a little story.. ----- Video by Illunaghor & Beam
TAGS: order emperor Illunaghor Beam emperors Witchhunter Sigmapriest Sigma trailer RvR
Story-Line Multiple 4,933 0
Kabra's Pride recruitment video
(3 min - Feb 4, 2009 - by Isendra)
Well...We need people, and there is no more effective way to recruit than through a decent movie promoting your own guild. I tried to base it on some humour so that it is enojoyable to watch even for people that are not considering to join our guild, even though the main goal with the movie obvio...
TAGS: Pride Zealot Recruitment video Kabra
Guild Promot... Zealot 4,292 1
Moonlapse Promo Video
(1 min - May 5, 2009 - by Exci)
Hey, I'm Exci, I came up with an idea to make a promo vid for the guild Moonlapse in Warhammer Online as my first big project. Kept working on it for a couple months on and off, while continuously changing each part (It even seemed boring after 1 gazilion previews) So here it is, the non-perfect pro...
TAGS: Moonlapse promo destruction KEP
Guild Promot... Goblin Shaman 3,456 0
SONS OF SIGMAR - EU - ORDER - Recruitmen...
(1 min - Jul 14, 2008 - by liammcl)
WE ARE AN ORDER GUILD, ACCEPTING ALL RACES FROM ORDER! Sons of Sigmar is a European based guild, willing to accept anyone who can speak English. We are RvR/PvE and Semi-Casual/Semi-Hardcore guild, catering for all. We like to create a SOCIAL atmosphere within the guild, and we have active forums. Ou...
TAGS: pve casual Recruitment Warhammer eu social SONS Online order SIGMAR RvR hardcore
Guild Promot... Witch Hunter - 2,789 0
Seiga Reborn - Scenario Video
(599 min - Jun 17, 2009 - by Seiga Genesis)
The latest Seiga video. This one features the 9 Agony/15 Calamity build. What I wanted to show is that you don't necessarily need a destruction build to have some sort of success. Instead of being the 3 button FOTM wonder Bright Wizards, Sorcerers have a multi-dimensional setup which makes them i...
TAGS: Seiga reborn Scenario video
Scenarios Sorceress - 1,706 1

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