
Profile Viewer - grouj
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Grouj M-
No presentation written.
Logins: 195
Downloads: 64
Ratings: 22
Comments: 1
Guestbook Posts: 0
Warnings: 0
Fame: 17
Rank: 35101
Rating Weight: 25
Movies: 0
Last Login: 2009-04-24
Member for: 5703 days
Facts and Preference
Age: -
Army: Greenskins
Career: Goblin Shaman
Category: RvR
Server: Beta Server EU (England)
Music: Unknown genre
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Last 10 Comments and Ratings
Very good editing but it could have been more entertaining and a little bit longer to be honest.
Rated: 3.8
Forgot to rate...*sigh*
I agree with "Sccrboy1991"'s comment, you seem to have a clue about your class and I though the video was very good even if you were in the levels of 6-8 in the the movie. I would appreciate if you made more movies in the higher levels. ;) To make your movie even more entertaining you could throw in something funny things that have happened through your gameplay,... a lot of people allways find movies with a bit of humour very entertaining. Anyways, I don't know if this belongs to the subject to improve "moviemaking skills" but if you don't have the program for editing movies (Sony Vegas) you should get it. :) Cheers for doing a good job.
Rated: 4.5
I liked the instruction video a lot, tho I find it rather boring to watch a BW casting Fiery Blast nearly 100% of the time.(but no downrating for that ;P) But as I said...I liked the video. ;)
Doomsta's RvR Trailer @ 08-09-29 16:07
Rated: 4.2
I think the movie was good but I hope to see more battles where you battle opponents in the same level, though it still annoys me that you wrote "3v1" when it actually was imo 2v1 and barely that. :P (but that's just me) Anyways you did a good job in this previw of the real movie and I'm looking farward to the real one. :) P.S Are you still active on the vcn server or are you going to play WAR in full time now?
Rated: 4.0
Very informative and you really DO know how to play your class very well. ;)
Rated: 4.8
Pure pwnage! GJ I enjoyed it alot. :)
Rated: 4.8
haha that was really funny! ^^ Please do more comedy movies :)
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